Security Shorts

Weekly dose of cyber-security. ✌️

Security Shorts,

3-month show from April to July 2021 streamed on GitHub Education Twitch, by me and fellow Campus Expert Harish, with the motive of exploring and gaining insights about the current trends in the field of cyber-security - where we;

  • Interviewed top-notch security experts, covered stories such as Solar Winds, discussed on mental-health & did hands-on google dorking.

  • Did 12 shows with more than 20 hours of streaming content.

  • Got featured in 2 Newsletters - GitHub & Securibee.

Find below the shows, with type of show and link to watch.

ShowsTypeLink to watch

EP01 with Harsh Bothra

Talk Show

EP02 about SolarWinds Hack


EP03 with Somdev Sangwan

Talk Show

EP04 doing Google Dorks

Talk ShowMental Health

EP06 with LiveOverflow

Talk Show

EP07 about The Rise of Cyber Attacks During COVID-19


EP08 Job Hunting with Aseem Shrey

Talk Show

EP09 Talking CTF with Adam & Muirland

Talk Show

EP10 with John Hammond

Talk Show

EP11 about Social Engineering with Vishal Das

Scenario Based

EP12 with Luke Stephens

Talk Show

Last updated